Was There An Intentional Typo Placed Into Every Episode (of Season 6) of TV’s “Hogan’s Heroes?”

In this closeup screenshot from a 5th season episode of "Hogan's Heroes," the unusual typo is clearly visible. For some reason, it was allowed to remain throughout the ENTIRE run of the show's final season.

In this closeup screenshot from a 6th season episode of Hogan’s Heroes, the unusual typo is clearly visible. For some reason, it was allowed to remain throughout the ENTIRE run of the show’s final season.

Editor’s Note: Not every story requires extensive coverage or in-depth analysis. Hence, our new series of “Quickies” will jump right to the “bottom line” and get to the point (if there is one). HA!

Bottom Line: While watching a 6th Season episode of “Hogan’s Heroes” recently, we noticed an unusual and humorous typo at the end of the episode (see screenshot above). Perhaps the title man had taken a cue from the show’s Sgt. Schultz character, and upon seeing his error, chose simply to say, “I see NOTHING!” We may never know if it all was done in jest or what, but Hogan’s Barracks Yahoo Group member, “NPS” offered up the following likely theory:


 “The show was never known as ‘Hogan’s Horde.’ ‘Hogan’s Raiders’ was the working title while it was in development, but as we all know, it was produced only as ‘Hogan’s Heroes.’ Hogan’s Horde was probably just a tongue-in-cheek moniker that Ed Feldman developed for the copyright line. In reality, the rights to the show were owned by Bing Crosby Productions and CBS, and it didn’t really matter what he put next to the copyright date.”

Sgt. Hans Schultz (above) refused comment on the controversial misnaming of the show, saying only, "I hear nothing. I SEE NOTHING!" (Photo: familyguywiki)

Sgt. Hans Schultz of the Luftwaffe (shown in a press briefing, above), refused to comment on the controversial misnomer, saying only, “I see nothing. I KNOW NOTHING!” (Photo: CBS/familyguywiki)

5 thoughts on “Was There An Intentional Typo Placed Into Every Episode (of Season 6) of TV’s “Hogan’s Heroes?”

  1. Vicky Khaikin says:

    Who cares.

  2. Kevin says:

    My theory of why the final season name was changed from hogan’s heroes to hogan’s horde is probably related to royalties in ivan Dixons contract. I’m guessing as long as the show continued running under the name hogan’s heroes, Dixon would get extra royalties. If the name was changed, he would probably only receive payments for the shows under the heroes moniker. Just a theory.

  3. I think they used that typo because it rhymes with “Hogan’s Horny,” an inside joke at the time. They all knew of Mr. Cranes sexcapades!
    Brian T. Jones
    Salida, CA U.S.A.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Not even close. It’s not a typo at all.

    “During syndication, those who took part in profit participation would see some of the royalties. Thus, Bob and other members of the cast and crew decided to invest in Hogan’s Heroes. As official profit participants of the series, they comprised the group known as “Hogan’s Horde.”

    Excerpt From
    Bob Crane: The Definitive Biography
    Carol M. Ford

  5. Anonymous says:

    I just noticed this, and sure enough appreciate the explanation, and that there was one to explain it! Funny all through to the end, Hogans Heroes was one of the Best! To be enjoyed for Generations! God Bless 🎚🙏🏼

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